The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Prapas N, Karkanaki A, Prapas I, Kalogiannidis I, Katsikis I, Panidis D

The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is an iatrogenic potentially life-threatening condition. It is considered the most important complication of multiple ovulation induction in women who undergo assisted reproductive technologies. Diagnosis of the syndrome is based on a complex of characteristic clinical manifestations and laboratory findings. In this review …

Posted in 2006 Volume 5 – Issue 2 Tagged , , , ,

Interstitial pregnancy: A case report

Almaloglou K, Vlachokostas P, Aidonopoulos C

Interstitial pregnancy is a rare condition which occurs in 2-4% of all ectopic pregnancies. We describe a case of an unruptured interstitial pregnancy where the patient failed to respond to the conservative management with methotrexate, attempt for pregnancy termination with dilation and curettage was unsuccessful and finally managed surgical, with cornual incision and removal …

Posted in 2006 Volume 5 – Issue 2 Tagged , ,

Neonatal transferal from a rural obstetric unit to a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit in Greece

Κatsimanis E, Moros M, Bousoulopoulou E, Chronopoulos K

This retrospective study examined the transferals of neonates from the maternity ward of Argos hospital to a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit . Neonates transferred due to neonatal jaundice or congenital malformations and all neonates born at gestational age of 34 completed weeks or less and/or weighing at delivery 2,000 gr or less were excluded from the study. Over a 4-year period …

Posted in 2006 Volume 5 – Issue 2 Tagged , , ,