Antiphospholipid syndrome and pregnancy: Diagnosis and treatment

Grammatikakis Ι, Εvagelinakis ΕN, Salamalekis N, Κassanos D

Antiphospholipid syndrome is a condition characterized by one or more episodes of thrombosis in combination with high blood levels of antiphospholipid antibodies. Antiphospholipid syndrome is one of the few treatable causes of pregnancy loss, when early detected. Heparin, usually combined with low-dose aspirin, is used in patients at risk for thrombosis. Pregnancy in women with …

Posted in 2009 Volume 8 – Issue 2 Tagged ,

Hysteroscopical tubal ligation with Essure system: Initial experience from its use

Pados G, Kotronis K, Athanatos D, Tarlatzis B

Our aim was to present our initial experience with the use of Essure system for hysteroscopical tubal ligation on three patients, who are the first three cases in Greece. The method includes the insertion, through a Betocci hysteroscope, of two special metallic devices, one in each tube, leading to permanent occlusion of the tubes within three months via development of fibrosis …

Posted in 2009 Volume 8 – Issue 2 Tagged , ,