Infertility: Psychoemotional impact, emotional adjustment to fertility treatment and cognitive behavioral therapy

Efthimiou K, Perdikari E

According to the British Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, it is estimated that one in six couples will have to deal with some kind of infertility during lifetime, while World Health Organization considers infertility as one of the major problems of world public health. The present review focuses on the psychosocial impact of infertility, its cognitive meaning and the emotional …

Posted in 2013 Volume 12 – Issue 1 Tagged , , ,

The benign diseases of the vulva and vagina

Balaouras D, Daniilidis A, Tantanasis T, Chintzios D, Nasioutziki M, Makris V, Loufopoulos PD, Tantanasis T

The diseases of the vulva and vagina are of great importance in gynecology. They are categorized as inflammatory, non-neoplasmatic precancerous, and malignant. They are caused by fungi, bacteria, protozoa or viruses. The non-neoplasmatic and precancerous diseases appear as skin lesions including leichen, psoriasis, and local allergies.The inflammatory diseases of the vagina could be caused …

Posted in 2013 Volume 12 – Issue 1 Tagged , ,

Humanin, a cytoprotective peptide against oxidative stress: Is it possible to play a role in obstetrics and gynecology?

Nikolakopoulos P

Humanin is a 24-amino acid peptide encoded by mitochondrial 16SRNA, that was firstly isolated from the occipital lobe of patients with Alzheimer’ s disease. Although it was identified as an antineuronal death factor, literature indicates humanin as a wide spectrum survival factor. To date, humanin has been shown to play a role in preventing cell death among various tissues outside …

Posted in 2013 Volume 12 – Issue 1 Tagged , , ,