40 years of the Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (HSOG): 1974 – 2014, from the first year of Greece’s transition to democracy to the current years of economic crisis

Vrachnis Nikolaos, Messinis Ioannis, Tarlatzis Vasileios

The Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (HSOG), one of the oldest medical societies in Greece, is celebrating this year 4 decades of active presence. On the occasion of this anniversary, we present a brief historical flashback, focusing on HSOG and the preceding Greek obstetrical – gynecological societies. The first Greek medical scientific society, the Athens Medical …

Posted in 2014 Volume 13 – Issue 2

HIV infection in pregnancy: Analysis of twenty cases

Kasioni Spiridoula, Pappas Stefanos, Vlachadis Nikolaos, Valsamidi Irene, Stournaras Stamatis, Nousia Konstantina, Farmakides George

Introduction: Prevention of mother – to – child transmission of HIV is at the forefront of global HIV prevention activities. Administration of antiretroviral drugs to mothers and neonates, scheduled caesarian section and prohibition of breastfeeding considerably have been indicated to decrease HIV transmission to the offspring. Material and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 20 cases of HIV positive …

Posted in 2014 Volume 13 – Issue 2 Tagged , , ,

Fertility sparing options for women with ovarian neoplasms

Zygouris Dimitrios, Panagopoulos Perikles, Christodoulaki Chrysi, Vrachnis Nikolaos, Georgiou Athanasios, Chrelias Charalampos

Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death by gynecological cancer and it is estimated that up to 17% of cases occur in women less than 40 years. In these patients it is often vital to maintain their fertility. This can be achieved using either fertility sparing types of surgery under strict selection criteria, or in combination with methods of assisted reproduction. In any case this should be avoided …

Posted in 2014 Volume 13 – Issue 2 Tagged , , ,

Gestational diabetes: Its classification and optimal management

Vitoratos Nikolaos, Vrachnis Nikolaos, Vlahos Nikolaos, Peristeris Kostantinos, Iliodromiti Zoe, Creatsas George

The classification of diabetes mellitus includes diabetes mellitus type I, diabetes mellitus type II, gestational diabetes and other specific types. Unfortunately, the incidence diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, or gestational diabetes, today ranging between 4 and 7%, has been globally on the rise in recent years, particularly among women over 32 years old. According to the International Association …

Posted in 2014 Volume 13 – Issue 2 Tagged , , , , ,

Uterine prolapse complicating pregnancy: A case report

Ammari Alexandros, Tsikouras Panagiotis, Dimitraki Marina, Liberis Anastasios, Kontomanolis Emmanuel, Galazios Georgios, Liberis Vasileios

Uterine prolapse concurrent with pregnancy is a rare event. Complications resulting from the prolapse of the uterus in pregnancy vary from minor cervical infection to spontaneous abortion, preterm labor and maternal and fetal death. We report a case of stage 3 uterine prolapse during pregnancy presented at our antenatal clinic. The patient had pre-existing uterine prolapse, was treated …

Posted in 2014 Volume 13 – Issue 2 Tagged , ,

Imperforate hymen with hematocolpometra: A new diagnostic approach using 2D and 3D translabial ultrasonography

Zacharakis Dimitrios, Domali Ekaterini, Antsaklis Panos, Daskalakis George

Imperforate hymen is a urogenital tract anomaly that represents the most frequent congenital malformation of the female genital tract. We present a case of a young girl who was referred to our pediatric and adolescent gynecological department with a transabdominal ultrasound showing a suspicious pelvic mass. Using translabial ultrasonography the diagnosis of imperforate hymen was …

Posted in 2014 Volume 13 – Issue 2 Tagged , , , ,

Greece’s economic recession hits her youngest citizens: Children abandoned in hospitals

Iliodromiti Zoe, Vlachadis Nikolaos, Vlachadi Maria, Kalantaridou Sofia, Vrachnis Nikolaos

In the end of 2008, Greece entered the country’s deepest recession in peacetime history, with the unemployment rate increasing from 7.9% to 26.0% from the fourth trimester of 2008 to the fourth trimester of 2012. By 2012, Greece had the highest atrisk – of – poverty rate (23.1%) among the 28 countries of the European Union …

Posted in 2014 Volume 13 – Issue 2 Tagged , ,