Loutradis Dimitris
The new Board of the Directors of the Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology welcomes all its members to a new era of vision and progress. We start this new endeavor …
Loutradis Dimitris
The new Board of the Directors of the Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology welcomes all its members to a new era of vision and progress. We start this new endeavor …
Ioannidis Charilaos
Introduction: Benign lesions are a common finding in the female breast. Surgical excision is, usually, the preferred definitive mode of treatment. This, however, often results in formation of unsightly scars and/or distortion of breast shape. Application of certain plastic surgical principles may contribute to the minimization of the aforementioned sequelae …
Kalinderis Michail, Kalinderi Kallirhoe, Papanikolaou Alexis
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy – specific syndrome associated with increased maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. The development of preeclampsia occurs in two stages including reduced placental invasion, followed by the activation of endothelial cells and the release of various factors leading to the clinical manifestations of this syndrome. The initial trigger…
Drakakis Peter, Tzouma Christina, Dalkalitsis Alexander, Calis Karim, Kalantaridou Sophia
Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is a condition characterized by sex-steroid deficiency, amenorrhea, infertility, and elevated gonadotropins in women younger than 40 years of age. Most affected women produce estrogen intermittently and may ovulate despite the presence of high gonadotropin concentrations. POI is a heterogeneous disorder and may occur as a result …
Vrachnis Nikolaos, Zygouris Dimitrios, Lolos Markos, Dimitrakaki Alexandra, Salakos Nikolaos
Abortion is a very common procedure among women of reproductive age. Medical abortion is an alternative to surgical evacuation, especially in the early first trimester. Following the introduction of mifepristone, the number of medical abortions has rapidly increased. Mifepristone is used at doses of either 600mg or 200mg in combination with misoprostol and is regarded as a safe…
Daniilidis Angelos, Panteleris Nikolaos, Stamkopoulou Anthoula, Carcea Fausto, Kogeorgos Stylianos, Besharat Alexander, Asimakopoulos Efstratios
Introduction: Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) is defined as bleeding from the genital track one year after the cessation of menses. About 1 in 10 women with postmenopausal bleeding will be diagnosed with malignancy. Case presentation: A 62 year old female patient who presented to the gynecological clinic with two incidents of vaginal bleeding in the last 60 days. The gynecological examination …