Toufexi E1, Giannakopoulos K1, Lagadas A1, Sarikakis J1, Provataki C1, Zorbala A2, Stamatiadis D3, Kiriakidou K1, Astraka M1
1Department of Gynecology, Laiko hospital, Athens, Greece
2Department of Radiology, Laiko hospital, Athens, Greece
3Department of Nephrology, Laiko hospital, Athens, Greece
Correspondence: Lagadas Antonios, 17 Agiou Thoma St, GR-11527, Athens, Greece
Total uterine prolapse may lead to severe obstructive nephropathy. We report a case of a 77 years old woman who presented with complete uterovaginal prolapse, bilateral hydronephrosis, arterial hypertension and renal failure. A complete correction of her renal failure was observed after the surgical repair of the prolapse (vaginal hysterectomy followed by anterior and posterior colporrhaphy).
Keywords: uterine prolapse, renal failure, hydronephrosis, incontinence, urine retention, vaginal hysterectomy
p. 139-142