Georgogiannis N, Papatheodorou D, Kokkalis P, Mpasoukos A, Tsavez N, Papadimitriou A
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Nikaia hospital, Piraeus, Greece
Correspondence: Georgogiannis N, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Nikaia hospital, GR-18450 Νikaia, Piraeus, Greece, Ε-mail: Georgogiannisnikos@msn com
The Dandy Walker syndrome includes the following abnormalities: 1) ventriculomegaly of variable degree, 2) a large cisterna magna, and 3) a defect in the cerebellar vermis through which the cyst communicates with the fourth ventricle. The prevalence of the syndrome is 1/30.000 births and appears with 3 different types: Dandy Walker classic, mega cisterna magna, and Dandy Walker variant. Dandy Walker variant includes variable hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis with or without enlargement of the posterior fossa. The diagnosis of the syndrome can be achived during the second trimester of the pregnancy by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging scan. We present a case of a Dandy-Walker variant syndrome in a gravida 2, para 1, 34 years old pregnant woman. Pregnancy was terminated and the syndrome was confirmed in the fetus by autopsy.
Key words: Dandy Walker syndrome, mega cisterna magna, disorders of cerebellar vermis, enlarged 4th ventricle
p. 73-78