Pregnancy and measles: Case report and review of literature

Paplomata E, Tsalikis L

1st Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic, Serres hospital, Serres, Greece

Correspondence: Tsalikis Lazaros, 3 Chatzipantazi St, GR-62122 Serres, Greece. E -mail:


We present the case of a 32 year old woman who was diagnosed with measles at 38 weeks of gestation, during a measles outbreak which appeared in northern Greece since November 2005. She was complicated by pneumonia and an emergency caesarian section was performed due to fetal distress. After the widespread use of the vaccine, measles is one of the rarest infectious complications of pregnancy, however, measles outbreaks still occur in various countries in the world.

Keywords: measles, pregnancy, vaccine, measles complications

p. 67-71