Antoniadis S, Sela M, Ustinof-Ersof D, Zerva M, Anagnostaki L, Antoniadou AV, Makrogkika E, Kleanthous P, Dionyssopoulou E
Faculty of Health and Caring Professions, Technological Educational Institution of Athens
Correspondence: Antoniadis S, 4 Iraklitou St, GR-10673 Athens, Greece. E-mail:
Information and counseling is extremely important in order to achieve a healthy sexual life. The objective of this study was to investigate the sexual behavior of health students. We studied the sexual habits of 1,000 students of the Technological Educational Institution of Athens using a closed questionnaire. Age range was 17-21 years. 655 (65.5%) of the students had satisfying sexual information. 138 (13.8%) students were informed by their family. 812 (81.2%) reported having sexual relationships. Median age at first intercourse was 17.6 years; it was heterosexual for 779 (95.9%), subjects. First experience was at home for 568 (70%) students, with permanent partners for 587 (72.3%). Contraception was used by 624 (76.9%) students, the most frequent being condom use (528 or 65%). A history of pregnancy was reported by 41 (5.1%), and 63 (7.8%) subjects had a history of sexually transmitted diseases. Our findings indicate that increased efforts are needed in order to achieve the appropriate level of sexual education.
Keywords: sexual habits, health students
p. 91-96