Case Report
Serafeim Pousias, Vasiliki Thanopoulou, Lazaros Pantelidis, Vasileios Koukloumperis, Dimitrios Koutsogiannis
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, “Achillopouleio”, District General Hospital, Volos, Greece
Correspondence: Dimitrios Koutsogiannis, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, “Achillopouleio”, District General Hospital, Polymeri 134, 38222 Volos, Magnesia, Greece, E-mail: and M.Sc. Serafeim Pousias, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, “Achillopouleio”, District General Hospital, Polymeri 134, 38222 Volos, Magnesia, Greece, E-mail:
Heterotopic pregnancy is defined as the coexistence of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy, each one of which might be single or multiple. The incidence is approximately 1: 30,000 pregnancies and most of the times the diagnosis is set after the occurrence of symptoms. In the following article is reported the case of a 33-year old patient presented at the emergency room, with acute abdominal pain and 12 weeks of amenorrhea. Transabdominal ultrasound confirmed a live intrauterine pregnancy and laparotomy as well as the histopathological report of the right fallopian tube confirmed the ectopic pregnancy.
Keywords: heterotopic pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, natural conception
p. 28-31