Adnexal torsion in a 7 – year – old girl; dilemma in diagnosis and treatment

Case Report

Singh Kamal, Thakur Sita, Sharma Monika

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rajender Prasad Government Medical College, Kangra at Tanda, Himachal Pradesh, India

Correspondence: Singh Kamal, Rajender Prasad Government Medical College, Kangra at Tanda, Himachal Pradesh, 176001, India, E – mail:


Ovarian torsion is an infrequent diagnosis in the pediatric age group but can be catastrophic, especially if ovarian salvage is not possible. The clinical picture is nonspecific, and children cannot always articulate their  symptoms, which often make the diagnosis a challenge. Because of its nonspecific manifestations, ovarian torsion is often confused with other conditions, such as appendicitis and is diagnosed late. We report a case of a 7 years old girl presented with acute abdomen. Imaging showed a left adnexal mass with doubtful vascularity. Exploratory laparotomy followed and a left salpingo – oopherectomy was performed. Left sided ovarian torsion is a rare presentation of adnexal torsion in this age group.

Keywords: ovary, torsion, adnexal tumor

p.  23-29