Case Report
Lazarou George1, Stournaras Stamatios2, Nousia Konstantina2, Zygouris Dimitrios3
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Stony Brook University, School of Medicine, Winthrop University hospital, Stony Brook, New York, USA
26th Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Elena Venizelou hospital, Athens, Greece
3Department of Gynecology, Agios Savvas hospital, Athens, Greece
Correspondence: Lazarou George, E – mail:
Microscopic hematuria is a common finding in urinalysis during gynecological – obstetric control. We present the case of a 58 years old woman with recurrent hematuria in annual gynecological check. The literature review highlights a series of tests that must be carried out to investigate these cases. Medical history and physical examination are the first steps approach to identify potential causes and risk factors. The laboratory investigation includes intravenous urography, ultrasound, CT and MRI. Moreover cystoscopy contributes to the evaluation of the lower urinary tract and should be performed in all cases over 35 years. Finally, we must always have in mind that in 20% of cases it is not found any cause of the microscopic hematuria.
Keywords: hematuria, microscopic hematuria, pregnancy
p. 25-29