Journal Information

HJOG is a peer – reviewed open access journal covering all areas of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Submit a Manuscript
Authors must adhere to the following guidelines when submitting a manuscript:
All submissions to HJOG are to be made in the following address:
For any queries, issue, concern or further information regarding the submission requisites you may address to:
The submission of any manuscript implies that it has not been published before or it is not upon consideration to be published elsewhere and paper has been approved by all authors or the institute where the work
has been carried out.
If a journal has tables, figures or passages already published, with your submission we need permission from the copyright owners.
The publisher is not legally responsible in case of compensation claim.

Copyright and Reprints
All accepted manuscripts are protected by copyrights and will be held by Hellenic Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (HSOG). In surveys with human or animal subjects authors need to include ethical and patient
consent statements within the manuscript and not in a separate form.

All articles are open – access and can be downloaded in a pdf version from the journal page.

Advertising/Business communication:
For any business/advertising inquiries you may address:
All advertisements are upon consideration and approval by the HSOG.