Adnexal torsion during pregnancy: A rare cause of acute abdomen

Konstantinos Zacharis, Stavros Kravvaritis, Theodoros Charitos, Eleni Chrysafopoulou, Anastasia Fouka


Ovarian torsion is caused by rotation of the ovary or adnexa with the vascular pedicle on its axis resulting in arterial and venous obstruction. Here we report a case of a pregnant woman presented to the emergency department in early second trimester with acute abdomen. History revealed the presence of an ovarian mass detected by ultrasonography 6 months before pregnancy. Sonographic examination showed right adnexal mass with abnormal Doppler velocimetry and thus immediate laparotomy was decided. Right salpingo-oophorectomy was performed and post-operative course of the patient was uneventful…

Posted in 2019 Volume 18 – Issue 2 Tagged , , ,

Ectopic Pregnancy at 13-week Period of Gestation with Live Fetus

Konstantinos Zacharis, Stavros Kravvaritis, Theodoros Charitos, Anastasia Fouka

Ectopic pregnancy will unavoidably result in abortion or rupture. Ultrasound examination and β-hcg measurement are required, regarding symptomatic women with positive pregnancy test, in order to early detect cases of ectopic pregnancy. Here we report a case of a woman presented to the emergency depart- ment with acute abdomen and hemodynamic instability. History revealed a period of amenorrhea of 13 weeks and pregnancy test was found positive …

Posted in 2018 Volume 17 – Issue 4 Tagged , , , ,