Abdominal wall endometriosis after cesarean section

Thanasas K. I, Papavasileiou S

The abdominal wall is the most common position locating endometriosis. The presentation of the event concerning the occurrence of endometriosis in scar of laparotomy after cesarean section. A patient, four years after cesarean section performed with Pfannestiel, came to our outpatient clinic with abdominal pain primary located in the left end of the surgical scar. Based on history and clinical findings was the suspected endometriosis …

Posted in 2017 Volume 16 – Issue 4 Tagged , , , , ,

Current knowledge on common molecular mechanisms involved in endometriosis and tumor metastasis

Timologou A, Ζafrakas Μ, Grimbizis G, MiliarasD, Kotronis K, Tarlatzis Β

Although several theories exist, the etiology and pathogenesis of endometriosis is poorly understood. Data from clinical and laboratory studies indicate that this disease has common characteristics with malignant neoplasms. The present review focuses on the common molecular mechanisms involved in both implantation of tissue at ectopic sites in endometriosis and tumor metastasis …

Posted in 2011 Volume 10 – Issue 3 Tagged , , ,

Pathogenesis of endometriosis: Classic theories and recent data

Papadias K, Αvgoulea A, Lambrinoudaki I, Κreatsa M, Christodoulakos G

Endometriosis is an enigmatic disease, as the etiopathogenetic mechanism remains still unclarified. The classic theories of implantation, induction and metaplasia are unable to give an explanation for all the cases of endometriosis. Based on the classic theories and mainly on the implantation theory of Sampson, many authors tried to analyze immunologic mechanisms responsible …

Posted in 2008 Volume 7 – Issue 2 Tagged , , ,

Endometriosis: Newer data of the disease pathogenesis

Karanikolopoulos P, Εvaggelinakis E, Kassanos D

Endometriosis is a disease that affects millions of women around the world, with significant impact on their quality of life. Modern therapeutic approaches mainly aim to relieving women from their symptoms-cronic pelvic pain and infertility-while its potential role as predisposing factor for several types of cancer, especially for ovarian cancer, is still under investigation …

Posted in 2008 Volume 7 – Issue 1 Tagged , , ,