Indication-based administration of low dose aspirin for the prevention of preeclampsia: A retrospective study in Northern Greece

Ioanna Vagioni, Kyriaki Mitta, Ioannis Tsakiridis, Themistoklis Dagklis, Apostolos Athanasiadis, Apostolos Mamopoulos

Preeclampsia is a multisystem progressive disorder characterized by vascular abnormalities and coagulation disorders. The administration of low-dose aspirin is recommended before 16 weeks to delay or even avoid the onset of preeclampsia, based on screening tests. This study aimed to investigate the targeted or non-targeted administration of low-dose aspirin in pregnancies, according to the indications for its administration …

Posted in 2023 Volume 22 – Issue 4 Tagged , , , , ,

Serum relaxin in preeclamptic and normotensive pregnant women at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital

Aloy Okechukwu Ugwu, Kehinde S Okunade, Ayodeji Ayotunde Oluwole, Sarah Ajibola John Olabode, Nneoma Kwemtochukwu Ani-Ugwu, Christian Chigozie Makwe, Emmanuel V Onyebuchi Ugwu, Sunusi-Rimi Garba

Background: Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific multi-systemic progressive disorder that is unique to human pregnancy occurring in the second half of pregnancy.  Reliable biochemical markers for prediction, diagnosis and management of preeclampsia would have a great impact on maternal health and several of these markers have been suggested …

Posted in 2022 Volume 21 – Issue 2 Tagged , , , ,

The predictive significance of serum cystatin C and free sub unit of β-Human chorionic gonadotropin in pregnant women with preeclampsia in Lagos

Aloy Ugwu, Ayodeji Oluwole, Kehinde Okunade, Sarah John-Olabode, Nneoma Ani-Ugwu, Olayemi Olumakinwa, Amaobichukwu Anyanwu, Emmanuel Ugwu, Christian Makwe

Background: Preeclampsia (PE) is a multi-systemic progressive disorder that is unique to human pregnancy, occurring usually after 20 weeks of gestation. Useful biochemical markers to be utilized for early prediction of preeclampsia continue to elude us. The search for biomarkers is aimed identifying women at increased risk of developing PE …

Posted in 2022 Volume 21 – Issue 1 Tagged , , , , ,

Relationship of soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1, soluble endoglin, placental growth factor blood levels with the severity of late onset preeclampsia

Ethem Serdar Yalvac, Mustafa Kara, Emre Baser, Taylan Onat, Melike Demir Caltekin, Müjgan Ercan, Demet Aydogan Kirmizi

Purpose: Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy-specific syndrome characterized by placentation disorder that increases maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Overproduction of anti-angiogenic factors such as soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor 1 (sFlt-1) and soluble endoglin (sEng) and low production of placental growth factor (Pgf) from angiogenic factors contribute to preeclampsia pathogenesis …

Posted in 2021 Volume 20 – Issue 3 Tagged , , ,

Periodontal disease of the mother and incidence of preeclampsia

Thrasyvoulos-Marios Smyrlis, Sofoklis Stavros, Dimitrios Loutradis, Peter Drakakis



Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease, which is progressing in a slow pace and leads to gingival tissue destruction and alveolar bone resorption. If left untreated, it will lead gradually in tooth loss. It is caused by the simultaneous action of bacterial virulence factors and the response of the immune system. In the literature there is growing evidence of a possible link between periodontal disease and systemic health. The relationship between periodontitis and diabetes mellitus3, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases …

Posted in 2019 Volume 18 – Issue 4 Tagged , ,

Maternal and perinatal outcomes in women with chronic hypertension and risk factors of superimposed preeclampsia

Arife Simsek, Seyfettin Uludag, Abdullah Tuten, Sezin Uludag

Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate obstetric outcomes among women with chronic hypertension, with and without superimposed preeclampsia, and identify risk factors of superimposed preeclampsia. Material and Methods: This retrospective study included 198 Caucasian women with chronic hypertension …

Posted in 2016 Volume 15 – Issue 4 Tagged , , ,

The role of NK cells and HLA system in preeclampsia

Kalinderis Michail, Kalinderi Kallirhoe, Papanikolaou Alexis

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy – specific syndrome associated with increased maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. The development of preeclampsia occurs in two stages including reduced placental invasion, followed by the activation of endothelial cells and the release of various factors leading to the clinical manifestations of this syndrome. The initial trigger…

Posted in 2016 Volume 15 – Issue 1 Tagged , , ,

Diagnostic accuracy of the soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1/placental growth factor ratio for preeclampsia with the use of a common cut-off value

Vasilios Pergialiotis, Anastasia Prodromidou, Alexandros Sotiriadis, Nikolaos Papantoniou

Background: To date, predictive markers of preeclampsia have not been established in the field of prenatal care. The Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1/Platelet Growth Factor (sFlt-1/PlGF) ratio has been extensively studied in the literature and seems to be promising. However, consensus regarding its efficacy is lacking. Objective: The purpose of the present meta-analysis is to evaluate the …

Posted in 2017 Volume 16 – Issue 1 Tagged , , , ,

Humanin, a cytoprotective peptide against oxidative stress: Is it possible to play a role in obstetrics and gynecology?

Nikolakopoulos P

Humanin is a 24-amino acid peptide encoded by mitochondrial 16SRNA, that was firstly isolated from the occipital lobe of patients with Alzheimer’ s disease. Although it was identified as an antineuronal death factor, literature indicates humanin as a wide spectrum survival factor. To date, humanin has been shown to play a role in preventing cell death among various tissues outside …

Posted in 2013 Volume 12 – Issue 1 Tagged , , ,